Link House
- Type Residential
- Client Private
- Location Melbourne
Myles Baldwin Design
Lowther Builders - Construction 2019-2020
- Photography Sharyn Cairns
- Design Powell & Glenn Pty Ltd
- Architect Ed Glenn

Skilfully binding together two Federation houses with a gallery link and garden, Link House is a complex, yet purposeful home driven by atmosphere and aspect.

A central courtyard acts as a light well to afford each space with generous access to natural light. Dictated by axes of openings, sight lines are created to cultivate a playful connection of areas. The arrangement is somewhat labyrinthine, however the courtyard grounds the plan and assists with wayfinding – intentionally considered as a place in which to get lost while remaining tethered by subtle directional cues.

Floor to ceiling openings paired with high quality yet subtle finishes creates an appropriate and nurturing environment for artwork to embed itself into the design alongside outlook to considered landscaping. This duality of visual cues amplifies and encourages a fluid relationship between the inside and out.

By layering space, light, landscape vistas, and striking artwork from the clients’ collection, the design seeks to mediate qualities of accuracy, spontaneity, and mystery.

The amalgamation of the two properties into a generous family home surrounded by landscape negotiates the complex topographical and planning constraints through a considered approach which lends a sense of seamlessness to the plan. This was resolved by expressing the junction between the pair of heritage homes with a recessive, split concrete form, with the new entry casting a direct line of sight through to the rear garden, with a generous gallery hall linking the two homes laterally.

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